A Particular Method of Imaginative Prayer to Enhance our “interior” knowledge of Jesus
In the J.O.Y. Meditation you meditate on Jesus, Others and Yourself.
- Before beginning my prayer, I choose some Gospel passage to pray over. I have it open and at my side so that I will not have to fumble with it during prayer.
- I breathe quietly for a while and after reaching a state of solitude and inner quiet, I read the passage very slowly, trying to take in everything that is happening in the particular scene. After reading, I try to sink back into the solitude by becoming aware of my breathing again.
- I focus now on Jesus. What was on his mind and heart that day? How did he feel about the people he was addressing? Why did he say and do these particular things to these particular people that particular day? What was his purpose? What was his message?
- After a while, I slowly read the Scripture a second time, and then return to my breathing. I reflect on the other characters in the Gospel story and imagine where they were standing or sitting in relation to Jesus. Why were they there? What were they seeking? What were their thoughts? Their feelings? Their prejudices? Their fears? Their hopes? How do they feel about Jesus at the beginning of the scene? How did these feelings change as the scene progressed?
- I slowly return to the Scriptures a third time. While breathing slowly, I imagine Jesus now facing me and saying and doing to me what he said and did that day. How am I feeling about Jesus as he speaks and acts? Why is he approaching me in this way? What is he really trying to say to me? How would my life change if I were to allow this gospel message to take root in my heart? How willing am I to make those changes?
- If I feel called to do so, I say, “Yes!” to Jesus’ invitation for transformation within me.
- I return again to my state of quiet, asking God to transform me into the person the Gospels call me to be.
(from ARMCHAIR MYSTIC, Mark E. Thibodeaux, S.J., St. Anthony Messenger Press, 2001, pp. 82-85)